Saturday, March 3, 2012

Entry 7: Exploding with Elephants

Oops, I kind of forgot to update.
Love Elephant by DIYFlufflies on Etsy

I recently started my own Etsy shop. It's not much right now, I plan on adding some of my own stuff once I get done a few things and get some nice pictures to put up.

Current Projects:
Big Purple Elephant - 60% Complete
Big Green Elephant - 55% Complete
Mini Elephant - 25% Complete
Easter Dress 1 - 25% Complete
Easter Dress 2 - 0% Complete

Lots of elephants and dresses! I've made 2 elephants so far using this pattern, one for myself and one for my little cousin for Christmas. I put her name on the ear. She and her mother loved it, she makes a cute little face whenever she plays with it. <3 These elephants are super cute and easy to make! One of her mother's friends saw it and asked me to make another 2 for her kids. So here I am now, up to my ears in elephants.

Please note: Out of respect for the original pattern maker, I'm not charging her for my work. I simply asked for the client to pay for materials and the dresses are gifts for family. (:

-Boring Stuff-
I'm not looking forward to going back to school. This past week was my intercession and I've been sick for all of it. I also keep waking up at 3:33 am. It's been going on for the past 4 days now. It's the same every night; I wake up, check the time, it's 3:33 am, I lay there for what feels like hours, check the time again, 3:35 am and that's all I can remember. I think I might be stressed or something? I'm not sure though. I don't feel stressed (more than usual). Hopefully it stops soon. I'd like to sleep again.

Sweet Dreams,

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